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Vancouver's mental health crisis : an update report.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Lost in transition : how a lack in capacity in the mental health system is failing Vancouver's mentally ill and draining police resources.
Policing Vancouver's mentally ill : the disturbing truth : beyond lost in transition.




1 online resource (32 pages)


"September 13, 2013".
"Lead Author Tim Szkopek-Szkopowski; contributors Deputy Chief Constable Adam Palmer, Deputy Chief Constable Doug LePard, Superintendent Dean Robinson, Inspector Ralph Pauw, Sergeant Howard Tran".--Page 30.


"Over the last decade, mental health related police incidents have steadily increased. In 2007, due to a concern over a spike in suicides and other crisis situations, the VPD conducted a study to determine the extent of the problem. This resulting report is known as Lost in Transition: How a Lack of Capacity in the Mental Health System is Failing Vancouver's Mentally Ill and Draining Police Resources. While some progress was initially made, the problem only worsened and in 2010 Beyond Lost in Transition was released with five additional recommendations. To date, a large number of these recommendations have been addressed, but several remain outstanding."--Page 1.


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