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The reform of criminal procedure : from United Nations policy to Canadian law / Daniel C. Préfontaine in collaboration with Vincent Cheng Yang.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques



Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (43 pages)


Presented on November 14 at the 1994 Beijing International Conference On the Reform of Criminal Procedure.


"...the independence of the judiciary; the role of defence counsel; the exclusion of evidence; and the protection of victims. ...this paper highlights updated United Nations instruments in relation to the four subjects as listed above and examines the relevant development in the Canadian system of criminal procedure. It does not attempt to provide an exhaustive review of all the details of these developments, but only to provide a number of key examples of progress being made."--Page 4-6.


Accès en ligne

Conférence réunion

International Conference On the Reform of Criminal Procedure (1994 : Beijing)

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