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Policing Vancouver's mentally ill : the disturbing truth : beyond lost in transition / Scott Thompson.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Lost in transition : part two : draft copy
Lost in transition : how a lack in capacity in the mental health system is failing Vancouver's mentally ill and draining police resources / Fiona Wilson-Bates.
Vancouver's mental health crisis : an update report.




Includes bibliographic references.


1 online resource (34 pages)


"For the Vancouver Police Board and Chief Constable Jim Chu, September 2010."
"Lost in transition : part two : draft copy"--title from Vancouver Police Department website.


The 2010 LIT report follows up and builds upon the original findings of the 2008 report titled "Lost in Transition: How a Lack of Capacity in the Mental Health System is Failing Vancouver’s Mentally Ill and Draining Police Resources" while also examining other areas of concern. Quantitative data and case studies are used to illustrate the challenges faced by the mentally ill and the police, society’s de facto 24/7 mental health workers. The 2010 report contains four main components and like the 2008 LIT report, is the official position of the VPD and the Vancouver Police Board.


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