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Points of view on prostitution : what should Canada do about it? : interviews with Gunilla Ekberg and with John Lowman / by Marcel-Eugène LeBeuf.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Prostitution is male violence against women : interview with Mrs. Gunilla Ekberg
Criminalized prostitution, not an efficient solution : interview with Professor John Lowman
Points de vue sur la prostitution : que devrait faire le Canada à cet égard? : entrevues avec Gunilla Ekberg et John Lowman.




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (45, [2] pages)


"Research and Evaluation Branch Community, Contract and Aboriginal Policing Services Directorate."
Issued also in French under title: Points de vue sur la prostitution : que devrait faire le Canada à cet égard? : entrevues avec Gunilla Ekberg et John Lowman.


Over the last few years, the Canadian federal government has had two subcommittees to look at soliciting laws as well as at the heath and safety of sex workers and that of the general public. Numerous witnesses appeared before these committees. Parallel to these discussion a study was undertaken by the RCMP to see what would be the impact of legalization/decriminalization laws on the police. Many experts were met and interviewed in that regard (LeBeuf, 2006). Following on this study, it was thought that it would be beneficial to the police community and to the general public to let two experts talk about their points of view on prostitution.


Accès en ligne


Introduction -- Prostitution is male violence against women : interview with Mrs. Gunilla Ekberg -- Criminalized prostitution, not an efficient solution : interview with Professor John Lowman -- Summary of interviews.

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