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First Nations policing : a review of the literature / Nicholas A. Jones, Rick Ruddell, Rob Nestor, Kaitlan Quinn, Breeann Phillips.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references (pages 115-131).


1 online resource (vii, 139 pages)


"August 2014"


"A historical overview of Aboriginal policing in Canada is presented. This is an important undertaking as academics, policymakers and practitioners often forget the lessons of history. As a result, crime prevention or reduction strategies that were unsuccessful in the past are sometimes re-introduced and unless there have been changes in the way that these ‘recycled’ interventions are delivered—or the context into which they are delivered—we are often destined to repeat the mistakes of the past. An additional challenge of delivering police services in a nation as culturally, geographically and regionally diverse as Canada is that an intervention that is successful or promising in one jurisdiction might not be as successful in another province, community or First Nation. Consequently, by learning the lessons of history we are less likely to be confronted with unforeseen or unanticipated outcomes after new crime reduction strategies are introduced."--Executive Summary.


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