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Framework re: 2011 strategic plan.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Report to Victoria Police Board
Police Board, Feb. 15, 2011 : update: 2011 strategic plan.
2011-13 strategic plan, status report.
Victoria Police Department 2011-13 strategic plan : September 2011 progress report.
Victoria Police Department strategic plan 2020 : one-year progress report.




1 online resource (3 pages)


Title from subject line.
"Date: January 18, 2011."


"The 2008-2010 Strength and Spirit strategic plan concluded Dec 31, 2010. Chief Graham and the police board are committed to creating a new strategic plan that will set clear direction and focus for the organization. A three-day planning session, involving a cross-section of 43 participants, was held in September 2010 to create a framework for a new strategic plan. Based on the statutory requirements of the Police Act, the board is required, in consultation with the chief constable, to develop a strategic plan. The department is seeking board approval of the framework for the new strategic plan"--Executive Summary.


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