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Community perceptions of the Regina Police Service / Nicholas Jones, Rick Ruddell.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Community perceptions of the RPS 2011




Includes bibliographical references (pages 81-82).


1 online resource (ii, 98 pages)


"November 2011"


"A telephone survey of 504 residents of Regina conducted in August and September 2011 revealed that overall satisfaction with the Regina Police Service (RPS) was generally high, and that respondents expressed high levels of trust and confidence in the police. The following are some key findings:  Over three-quarters (75.5%) of respondents somewhat or strongly agreed that the RPS demonstrated professionalism in their work. About three-quarters (74.7%) of respondents somewhat or strongly agreed that the RPS was an organization with integrity and honesty. Over four-fifths (84.2%) of respondents somewhat or strongly agreed having confidence in calling 911 in an emergency situation. Over three-quarters (75.9%) of respondents ranked the overall quality of the RPS as very good to excellent. ... Altogether, the results of these two surveys show that while the Regina Police Service has a great deal of public support, there are areas where services could be improved."--Executive Summary.


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