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Key performance indicators.

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Recherches policières canadienne






1 online resource : charts.


"Planning, Research & Audit Section"--cover, all issues.
Some issues preceded by Vancouver Police Department reports to Vancouver Police Board, and tables of key performance indicators.
Q3 2009 missing main body of report; only contains associated tables of key performance indicators.
"This version of the report has changed from previous versions. Most notable of the changes is a shift from reporting data on a quarter-by-quarter basis to one where the data is presented as a year-to-date tally report at each quarter. This focuses the reader to the more long-term trends that emerge as the year progresses as opposed to seasonal variations. Furthermore, three new indicators are provided: bank robberies, confirmed ‘shots fired’ incidents, and apprehensions under s.28 of the Mental Health Act"--Vancouver Police Department, Report to the Vancouver Police Board, February 11, 2014, Subject: Year-end 2013 Key Performance Indicator.


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1InternetDisponibleLibrary / Bibliothèque
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