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Municipal consultations, spring & summer 2013 focus groups and online survey.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Consultations auprès des municipalités, groupes de discussion et sondages en ligne (printemps et été 2013).




1 online resource (8 pages) : charts.


"OPP Municipal Policing Bureau, January 2014."
Issued also in French under title: Consultations auprès des municipalités, groupes de discussion et sondages en ligne (printemps et été 2013).
© Queen’s Printer for Ontario, 2014, reproduced with permission.


"In response to concerns raised about the determination of policing costs in Ontario, the Ontario Provincial Police (OPP), in partnership with the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services (MCSCS), launched the Billing Review Project to examine potential changes to municipal billing. A two-fold approach was used to consult with municipalities. In April and May of 2013, stakeholders and municipalities across Ontario participated in focus groups to provide input on the process of cost recovery for municipal policing Input from these focus groups was used to develop an electronic survey, which was issued in June and July 2013. This consultation approach meant that all OPP-policed municipalities had an opportunity to provide input and become part of the billing review process"--Background.


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