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Dispatch for the city of Red Deer RCMP : current practice, outcomes and options / Curt T. Griffiths and Tamie H. Fennig.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (xvi, 117 pages)


"This project report presents the findings of an examination of dispatch for the City of Red Deer Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP). The scope of work for the examination of dispatch for the City of Red Deer RCMP called for the following to be completed: 1. Review of the existing dispatch service to determine: a. The efficiency of the current process b. The cost of the current process c. The ability of the current process to facilitate communication among the parties involved 2. Provide options, rationale and costs for service delivery: a. That maintains the status quo (recommendations may include suggestions for improving the current service) b. Through the Emergency Services dispatch c. By providing a separate police dispatch system The primary research question guiding the present study was: What arrangements and protocol for the dispatch of RCMP officers in the City of Red Deer would provide the best “value for service”? To address this question, the project team utilized a multi-method approach, involving a review of the current literature of call centres generally and police dispatch centres specifically, site visits, interviews, and the collection of statistical information."--Executive Summary.


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