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A national use of force framework.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Le cadre national de l'emploi de la force.
National use of force framework = Le cadre national de l'emploi de la force.




1 online resource (13 pages)


"Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police presents"--cover.
"Endorsed by the Board of Directors, November 2000"--cover.
"The development of a National Use of Force Framework was truly a collaborative effort from its very inception. Championed and monitored by the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, the partners in this important endeavour included the Canadian Police College, the Ontario Police College, and 64 of the country’s top use of force specialists and educators representing the different jurisdictions of Canada"--Acknowledgements.
Page 3 (Introduction, History) issued also in French under title: Le cadre national de l'emploi de la force.
Graphical representation titled: National use of force framework = Le cadre national de l'emploi de la force.


"The National Use of Force Framework includes a graphical representation of the various elements involved in the process by which a police officer assesses a situation and acts in a reasonable manner to ensure officer and public safety. The Framework assists officers and the public to understand why and in what manner an officer may respond with force. As an aid to training, the Framework promotes continuous critical assessment and evaluation of each situation and assists officers to understand and make use of a variety of force options to respond to potentially violent situations. The National Use of Force Framework is not intended to serve as a justification for officer use of force nor does it prescribe specific response option(s) appropriate to a situation. The Framework does provide a valuable Framework tool to facilitate understanding and articulating the events associated with an incident involving officer use of force"--Introduction.


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