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CACP professionalism in policing research project : recommendations.

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Recherches policières canadienne


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Survey results : CACP professionalism in policing research project.




1 online resource (20 pages)


Recommendations related to: Survey results : CACP professionalism in policing research project.


"As was noted at the end of Chapter 3, very strong indicators of professionalism are already embedded in policing practices and programs across the country. Most supervisors engaged in helpful supportive behaviours with police officers under their command. Rewards are fair. Relationships with the community are strong. Ethics training is almost universal. And the front line, when well informed, gives positive evaluations of Early Intervention Systems and the work done by Professional Standards. What was found, generally speaking, is that discretionary behaviour, manifest in management and leadership practices, is the strongest driver of sustaining front line officer commitment to professionalism. To a great degree, these management and leadership practices can be easily improved by more effective communication. Unquestionably, the better informed the front line, the more committed they are to professionalism"--Introduction.


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A. Executive leadership -- B. Supporting supervisors -- C. Supporting the front line -- D. Risk mitigation -- E. Training -- F. Promotions -- G. Support of research and training in policing.

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