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ISIS 2011 report : emergency readiness is leadership driven.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Emergency readiness is leadership driven




Includes bibliographical references (p. 34-35).


1 online resource (46 pages) : photographs


"Institute for Strategic International Studies"--cover.


"The timely and critically important research study theme, put forward by the CACP Board for ISIS 2011, focused on the need for emergency preparedness to remain a priority and to determine what that means to executive levels of policing in the years ahead. In this final report, ISIS 2011 presents its research observations under the heading .“What Canada Needs to Know.”, organized within the five themes that emerged from their deliberations: Public Awareness, Education & Mobilization; Partnerships & Interoperability; National Standards; Innovation Plus; and Leadership. Following each theme, the team offers its Recommendations to Canadian police and public safety leaders. A summary list of recommendations is found on page 33 of this report."--text from Executive Summary.


Accès en ligne


1. Membership -- 2. Executive summary -- 3. Domestic research plan -- 4. Global research plan -- 5. International field studies - Interviews -- 6. ISIS 2011 – consolidation of research – what Canada needs to know -- 7. ISIS 2011 - themes -- 7.1. Public awareness, education & mobilization -- 7.2. partnerships & interoperability -- 7.3. National standards -- 7.4. Innovation plus… -- 7.5. Leadership -- 8. Conclusion -- 9. Summary of recommendations -- 10. Selected bibliography -- 11. Interview log.

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