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Integrating community policing and computer mapping : assessing issues and needs among COPS office grantees.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (20 pages)


"February 2000"


"The Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) has provided funds for the development of computer mapping technologies in support of community and problem oriented policing in a number of local jurisdictions. However, even with such funding opportunities, many police departments that begin crime mapping are quickly frustrated by the myriad of difficulties that arise when attempting to implement computer mapping in their jurisdictions. The Police Foundation has provided technical assistance to agencies funded by the COPS Office to help them overcome problems in implementing computer mapping, and to facilitate their ongoing use of crime mapping in community policing and problem solving. This assistance began with an assessment of the needs of these local jurisdictions, both interms of geographic information systems (GIS) development and for the integration of computer mapping into problem oriented and community policing practices."--Introduction.


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