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CACP Professional Standards Committee : McNeil decision online survey project : final report.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

McNeil decision online survey project : final report
Comité de l’ACCP sur les normes professionnelles : projet de sondage en ligne sur l’arrêt McNeil : rapport final.




1 online resource (66 pages)


"Prepared by: Public Safety Innovation, Inc. (May 2012)".
McNeil decision citation: R v. McNeil 2009 SCC 3, [2009] 1 S.C.R. 66.
"When the police misconduct in question concerns the same incident that forms the subject-matter of the charge against the accused, the police duty to disclose information concerning police disciplinary action taken in respect of that misconduct is rather self-evident. In the same way, findings of police misconduct by a police officer involved in the case against the accused that may have a bearing on the case against an accused should be disclosed."--text from paragraph 54, R v. McNeil 2009 SCC 3.
Issued also in French under title: Comité de l’ACCP sur les normes professionnelles : projet de sondage en ligne sur l’arrêt McNeil : rapport final.


"Police services across Canada have been challenged by the recent decision in the R v. McNeil case. In order to understand the impact of this decision and to prepare for appropriate police service responses to this decision, the Professional Standards Committee (PSC) of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP) has undertaken the task of examining national trends, "best" practices and departmental experiences with respect to this decision."--page 14.


Accès en ligne


I. Executive summary -- II. Background -- III. Summary and analysis of survy data -- IV. Detailed online survey results -- IV.1. Process -- IV.2. Positions involved -- IV.3. Policy & guidelines -- IV.4. Legislation, case law & agreements -- IV.5. Data management -- IV.6. Organizational impacts -- IV.7. Training, education, & information -- V. Conclusions & recommendations -- Appendix 1. McNeil Decision online survey (English) -- Appendix 2. McNeil Decision online survey (French) -- Appendix 3. Subject matter experts (SME) listing.

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