"The initial evaluation of the School Resource Officer Program focussed on measuring related perceptions of students, teachers/administrators, parents and SROs in those schools where a School Resource Officer was assigned. The evaluation also included an analysis of crimes and victimization in and around schools, and a review of the activities of the School Resource Officers. The follow-up evaluation used essentially the same surveys as were used at the end of the 2009 school year; the only difference was that the surveys were now completed on-line."--Executive Summary.
1. Executive summary -- 2. Background -- 3. Current research/research questions -- 4. Methodology -- 5. Findings -- 5.1. Overview: Research questions -- 5.2. Student surveys --5.2.1 Thoughts on safety -- 5.2.2. Thoughts on police and the SRO program -- 5.2.3. Schools involved in the SRO program original evaluation -- 5.3. School resource officer survey -- 5.4. School administrator/teacher surveys -- 5.4.1 Thoughts on safety -- 5.4.2. Thoughts on police and the SRO program -- 5.5. Parent surveys --5.6. Crime and victimization data -- 6. Discussions and recommendations.