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Balancing individual safety, community safety, and quality of life : a conference to improve interactions between police and people with mental illness.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Concilier sécurité individuelle, sécurité communautaire et qualité de vie : conférence pour améliorer les interactions avec les personnes ayant une maladie mentale.




1 online resource (29 pages)


Conference co-hosts: Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police and the Mental Health Commission of Canada.
Issued also in French under the title: Concilier sécurité individuelle, sécurité communautaire et qualité de vie : conférence pour améliorer les interactions avec les personnes ayant une maladie mentale.


"The conference sought to address the following key issues: How to prevent crisis; How to better respond to crisis; How to improve interactions with other aspects of the criminal justice system post police interaction; How to measure progress. Promising practices were shared and key themes identified, including the importance of involving people with lived experience of mental health problems and mental illness and paying attention to the workplace mental health of police personnel and the impact of stigma."--Page 5.


Accès en ligne

Conférence réunion

Balancing individual safety, community safety and quality of life (2014 : Toronto)

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