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Why? : the Robert Dziekanski tragedy / Braidwood Commission on the Death of Robert Dziekanski.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource ([8], 460 pages) : portraits, plans


"May 20.2010"--Cover.
"Thomas R. Braidwood, Q.C., Commissioner"--Page [1].


"[The Commissioner's] Terms of Reference were: to conduct hearings, in or near the City of Vancouver, into the circumstances of and relating to Mr. Dziekanski’s death; to make a complete report of the events and circumstances of and relating to Mr. Dziekanski’s death, not limited to the actual cause of death; to make recommendations the commissioner considers necessary and appropriate; and to submit a report to the Attorney General on or before a date to be determined by the Attorney General in consultation with the Commissioner."--Page 5.


Accès en ligne


Part 1. Executive summary and recommendations -- Part 2. The commission of inquiry -- Part 3. Mr. Dziekanski’s trip to Canada -- Part 4. Mr. Dziekanski’s arrival in Vancouver and clearance to enter Canada -- Part 5. Mr. Dziekanski’s activities in the International Reception Lounge -- Part 6. The response of the RCMP, Richmond Fire-Rescue, and BC Ambulance Service -- Part 7. The cause of Mr. Dziekanski’s death -- Part 8. The RCMP’s media response to Mr. Dziekanski’s death -- Part 9. Recent changes at Vancouver International Airport -- Part 10. Postscript: Police investigating themselves.

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