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Psychoactive substances in Canada : levels of harm and means of reduction / Robin Room.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (13 pages)


"April 2001".
Copyright © 2001 by the Fraser Institute. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without prior written permission of The Fraser Institute except in the case of brief passages quoted in critical articles and reviews. Users may download or print one copy for their personal use.
Part of the collection of papers titled "Sensible solutions to the urban drug problem", edited by Patrick Basham. These policy papers were originally presented at Fraser Institute Conferences in Vancouver, in April, 1998 and in Toronto, October 1998. The papers were revised and updated in 2001.


"This paper describes a public-health perspective on drugs in Canada and on strategies to reduce the harm from drugs. The frame for the discussion is psychoactive substances in general, including licit as well as illicit drugs. Issues of public health are not the only considerations in drug policy, of course. Drugs can also have an impact on such arenas as public order and quality of life. But health consequences of drug use, broadly construed—including not only mental and physical health but also casualties and disabilities—are a major consideration in drug policy and have been a primary justification for prohibitory policies."--Page 2.


Accès en ligne

Conférence réunion

Fraser Institute Conference (April 1998 : Vancouver, B.C.)
Fraser Institute Conference (October 1998 : Toronto, Ont.)


Fraser Institute digital publication.
Sensible Solutions to the Urban Drug Problem.

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