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A university-led program of research in Alberta : potential partnerships and a framework for university-police collaboration / Curt T. Griffiths, Tamie H. Fennig.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (68 pages)


"Prepared for: Office of Strategy Management, RCMP K Division, Edmonton, Alberta."
"November 2010."
Chapters are numbered incorrectly.


"This report is designed to provide the basis for discussions between Alberta’s colleges, universities, police services, and provincial government. Data for the project were gathered in interviews with college and university-based faculty, in addition to representatives from the provincial government. In the interviews, respondents provided information about their current professional activities and partnerships that focus on police-related research, as well as the capacity of their respective institutions to participate in a POR going forward. Faculty were also queried about their field practicum programs and graduate programs for students."


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