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Crisis intervention policy for police working with people with mental illness : policy statement.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (9 pages)


"CMHA BC has been active for a number of years in working collaboratively with police and other community stakeholders to improve first response to persons with mental illness. We continue to be involved in a number of initiatives in the area of justice, and promote best practices in the development of police education and policy in this area.We see this as a time of tremendous opportunity to instill in the official police forces and the private security sector a greater knowledge and appreciation of persons with mental illness and the most successful way to interact with them, especially in times of crisis. We strongly recommend that police agencies and the ministries that govern them review their policies and amend them so as to conform to evidence of best practice in responding to persons with mental illness."--Page 2.


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