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Building capacity : Mental Health and Police Project final project report 2005 : Kootenays / Canadian Mental Health Association.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




1 online resource (7 pages)


"At the Committee’s final meeting in September of 2005, it was decided that one of the best ways to deal look at the above action plan was to implement a policy and procedure with all involved systems (i.e. RCMP, BCAS and Mental Health). This process has started as RCMP has discussed possible implementation of a revised dispatch service. BCAS has also shared their dispatch mechanism and the two (RCMP and BCAS) are going to get together to discuss possible written implementation.Currently, it can be safely said that the actions that have been identified are currently in progress."--Page 5.


Accès en ligne


Community map of services in event of a mental health crisis -- Action plan -- Recommendations for more systemic change -- Lessons learned.

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