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National Anti-Drug Strategy, evaluation : final report.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Stratégie nationale antidrogue, évaluation : rapport final.



Includes bibliographical references (p. 111-119).


1 online resource (vi, 212 pages) : charts


Issued also in French under title: Stratégie nationale antidrogue, évaluation : rapport final.
Cover title.
"May 2012"--Cover.


"The National Anti-Drug Strategy is a horizontal initiative of 12 federal departments and agencies, led by the Department of Justice, with new and reoriented funding4 covering activities over a five-year period from 2007/08 to 2011/12. The goal of the Strategy is to contribute to safer and healthier communities through coordinated efforts to prevent use, treat dependency, and reduce production and distribution of illicit drugs. Illicit drugs are defined in the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act (CDSA) to include opiates, cocaine and cannabis-related substances (including marihuana) as well as synthetic drugs such as ecstasy and methamphetamine. The Strategy encompasses three action plans: Prevention, Treatment and Enforcement. The Strategy‘s action plans are expected to contribute to a reduction in the supply of, and demand for, illicit drugs, which ultimately contributes to safer and healthier communities. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the Strategy, in accordance with the Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat (TBS) requirements set out in the 2009 TBS Directive for the Evaluation Function. The evaluation addresses the relevance and performance (effectiveness, and efficiency and economy) of the Strategy and its three action plans. The scope of the evaluation covers the period from 2007/08 through to 2010/11."--Pages 1, 2.


Accès en ligne


1. Introduction -- 1.1. National Anti-Drug Strategy -- 1.2. Purpose and scope of the evaluation -- 1.3. Structure of the report -- 2. Design and implementation of the Strategy -- 2.1. Action plans and components -- 2.2. Governance -- 2.3. Expenditures --3. Evaluation methodology -- 3.1. Method of study -- 3.2. Limitations, challenges and mitigation strategies -- 4. Summary of the major findings -- 4.1. Relevance -- 4.2. Effectiveness -- 4.3. Demonstrated efficiency and economy -- 5. Conclusions, recommendations and management response -- Appendix A. National Anti-Drug Strategy logic model -- Appendix B. List of evaluation issues and questions -- Appendix C. References -- Appendix D. Recidivism study for Drug Treatment Courts -- Appendix E. Evaluation instruments.

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