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Police investigating police : final public report.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

La police enquêtant sur la police : rapport final d'intérêt public.



Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (1 page)


Also issued in French under the title: La police enquêtant sur la police : Rapport final d'intérêt public.


"The purpose of this public interest investigation is to assess the conduct of those unidentified RCMP members who have undertaken criminal investigations into the activities of other RCMP members, in cases that involved serious injury or death, that took place anywhere in Canada between April 1, 2002 and March 31, 2007. This report represents the comprehensive analysis by the CPC Review Team who conducted independent research on the issue, which included an in-depth assessment of the RCMP's handling of several cases."--Background.


Accès en ligne


Background -- Current landscape -- Current handling of RCMP member investigations – A review of legislation and policy -- Case file review – RCMP investigations assessed (a) methodology (b) CPC assessment of RCMP cases 1(a) Line management (b) Appropriate level of response (c) Timeliness of response (d) conduct 2. Compliance with policy 3. Overall assessment of cases -- Different review and oversight models 1. The dependent model 2. The interdependent mode l3. The independent model: independent investigation -- stakeholder perspectives – What do others think is the right model? -- CPC recommended model for RCMP member investigations -- Complete list of CPC findings and recommendations -- Appendices chair-initiated complaint -- Salient CPC cases -- Summary of additional relevant reports -- List of public submissions -- Provincial police oversight legislation chart -- Draft model legislation -- National RCMP policies relevant to the CIC -- Review and oversight profiles -- Oversight models & their representations -- Offence grid -- RCMP operational manual – Major case management policy.

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