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Inventory of spousal violence risk assessment tools used in Canada / Allison Millar, Ruth Code and Lisa Ha.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Recensement des outils d’évaluation des risques de violence conjugale utilisés au Canada.



Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (32 pages)


Issued also in French under title: Recensement des outils d’évaluation des risques de violence conjugale utilisés au Canada.
Cover title.
"April 2009"--Cover.
"Updated 2013"--Cover.


"In 2004, collaborative efforts led to the development of the Brief Spousal Assault Form for the Evaluation of Risk (B-SAFER). The motivation behind the development of B-SAFER was to provide criminal justice professionals with a concise and user-friendly tool that would facilitate risk assessment, support victims in their safety planning and reinforce the ultimate goal of reducing risk to victims of spousal violence. After the development of the B-SAFER tool, Department of Justice Canada officials working in the area of family violence agreed that it would useful to identify other spousal violence risk assessment tools currently being used by criminal justice personnel in Canada. In 2012, the Ad Hoc Federal/Provincial/Territorial Working Group on Family Violence was used as a point of contact to request updates to this Inventory. Representatives were asked to provide information on any changes to the risk assessment tools and protocols used in their jurisdiction. As a result, information from the following jurisdictions has been updated: Prince Edward Island, Québec, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, British Columbia, and the Northwest Territories."--Pages 4, 5.


Accès en ligne


1. Introduction -- 2. Objective -- 3. Methodology -- 3.1. Update -- 4. Findings -- 4.1. Summary by jurisdiction -- 5. Description of tools, investigative checklists and protocols -- 5.1. Aid to Safety Assessment Planning (ASAP) -- 5.2. Alberta Integrated Threat and Risk Assessment Centre (I-TRAC) -- 5.3. Bail Safety Program Interview Checklist -- 5.4. Brief Spousal Assault Form for the Evaluation of Risk (B-SAFER) -- 5.5. Court Information Package -- 5.6. Cross-sectoral memoranda on domestic violence -- 5.7. Danger Assessment -- 5.8. Decision-Making Assessment Protocol for Domestic Violence (D-MAP DV) -- 5.9. Provincial Court- Domestic Violence, Moncton -- 5.10. Domestic Violence Inventory (DVI) -- 5.11. Domestic Violence Police Investigation Checklist -- 5.12. Domestic Violence Supplementary Report Form (DVSRF) -- 5.13. Factors to Consider When Domestic Violence Safety Planning -- 5.14. Family Violence Investigation Report (FVIR) -- 5.15. Family Violence Risk Factor Checklist -- 5.16. Guide d’Intervention Info-Social pour prévenir les homicides intrafamiliaux -- 5.17. HCR-20 -- 5.18. High Risk Case Coordination Protocol Framework -- 5.19. Intervening with men to prevent domestic homicide -- 5.20. Level of Service Case Management Inventory (LS/CMI) -- 5.21. Level of Service Inventory-R (LSI-R) -- 5.22. Offender Risk Assessment Management System –Primary Risk Assessment (ORAMS-PRA) -- 5.23. Ontario Domestic Assault Risk Assessment (ODARA) --   5.24. Ontario Provincial Police Criminal Behavioural Analysis Unit – Threat Assessment (CBAU-TA) -- 5.25. Preventing Domestic Homicide of Women - Checklist -- 5.26. Preventing Domestic Homicide of Women: An Intervention Guide -- 5.27. Professional Assessment -- 5.28. Protocol for Highest Risk Cases -- 5.29. Risk Management System -- 5.30. Risk of Sexual Violence Protocol (RSVP) -- 5.31. Saskatchewan Primary Risk Assessment (SPRA) -- 5.32. Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide (SARA) -- 5.33. Spousal/Partner Abuse, Assault Court Package Supplement -- 5.34. Stalking Assessment and Management (SAM) -- 5.35. Summary of Domestic Violence Risk Factors (Police Online Training Investigative Job Aid) -- 5.36. Tool to assess the safety of victims of domestic violence and of their loved ones -- 5.37. Threat Assessment Questions for Field Personnel -- 5.38. Violence in Relationship Investigative Checklist -- 5.39. Violence in Relationships – Investigative Procedures Guide -- 5.40. Woman Abuse Protocols -- 5.41. Yellowknife Interagency Family Violence Protocol -- 6. Conclusion

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