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PTO : an overview and introduction.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Police training officer : an overview and introduction
Problem-based learning manual for training and evaluating police trainees
PTO manual.
Training standard.
Trainee manual.
PTO training course : understanding PBL.



1 online resource (44 pages) : illustrations


At head of title: A problem-based learning manual for training and evaluating police trainees.


The PTO program was the first new post-academy field-training program for law enforcement agencies in more than 30 years. Its original design makes it one of the strongest training innovations in decades. This new approach to training is the foundation for life-long learning that prepares new officers for the complexities of policing today and in the future. This document provides an introduction to the PTO program, and summarizes the valuable experiences and lessons learned from the six agencies selected to participate in the PTO pilot project.


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