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Criminal justice 2000.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques



Includes bibliographical references.


4 online resources


"July 2000".


Volume 1 : These 10 papers examine crime patterns and changes in crime and reactions to crime over the past half-century, with emphasis on the ways in which crime and its effects have evolved along with broader structural and cultural changes during this time period and on probable crime developments and trends in the 21st century.
Volume 2 : These eight papers review the state of knowledge about the origins, nature, consequences, and futures of changes in seven criminal justice boundaries over the past century, including increasing privatization and use of civilians in policing, the blurring line between juvenile and adult justice, and changing responses to domestic assault.
Volume 3 : These nine papers review the state of knowledge about issues relating to decision making in criminal justice in the context of policies made by persons both inside and outside the criminal justice system and in the context of emerging processes in policing, courts, and corrections.
Volume 4 : These 12 papers examine methodological debates that have shaped the evolution of research on crime and justice and explore current knowledge, trends, and future directions in the measurement and analysis of crime and the criminal justice system and the consequences of such measurement and analysis for justice processes and research.


Accès en ligne


Volume 1 : The Nature of Crime : Continuity and Change. Introduction to volume 1 : the changing nature of crime in America / Gary LaFree, Robert J. Bursik, Sr., James Short, and Ralph B. Taylor -- Theoretical developments in criminology / Charles R. Tittle -- The politics of crime and punishment / William Lyons and Stuart Scheingold -- Dynamics of the drug-crime relationship / Helene Raskin White and D.M. Gorman -- Criminal justice discovers information technology / Maureen Brown -- Explaining regional and urban variation in crime: a review of research / Graham C. Ousey -- Change and continuity in crime in rural America / Ralph A. Weisheit and Joseph F. Donnermeyer -- A century of juvenile justice / Philip W. Harris, Wayne N. Welsh, and Frank Butler -- Changes in the gender gap in crime and women's economic marginalization / Karen Heimer -- On immigration and crime / Ramiro Martinez, Jr., and Matthew T. Lee -- Appendix: Criminal justice 2000 volumes and chapters --
Volume 2 : Boundary Changes in Criminal Justice Organizations. Introduction to volume 2 : a century of changing boundaries / Charles M. Friel -- The privatization and civilianization of policing / Brian Forst -- The changing boundaries between federal and local law enforcement / Daniel C. Richman -- The governance of corrections: implications of the changing interface of courts and corrections / Christopher E. Smith -- Brick by brick : dismantling the border between juvenile and adult justice / Jeffrey A. Butts and Ojmarrh Mitchell -- The changing boundaries of the criminal justice system : redefining the problem and the response in domestic violence / Alissa Pollitz Worden -- The internationalization of criminal justice / Richard H. Ward -- Community justice : a conceptual framework / David R. Karp and Todd R. Clear -- Appendix : Criminal justice 2000 volumes and chapters --
Volume 3 : Policies, Processes, and Decisions of the Criminal Justice System. Introduction to volume 3 : policies, processes, and decisions of the criminal justice system / Julie Horney, Ruth Peterson, Doris MacKenzie, John Martin, and Dennis Rosenbaum -- Prison use and social control / James P. Lynch and William J. Sabol -- Changing the contours of the criminal justice system to meet the needs of persons with serious mental illness / Arthur J. Lurigio and James A. Swartz -- Assessing correctional rehabilitation: policy, practice, and prospects / Francis T. Cullen and Paul Gendreau -- The evolution of decision making among prison executives, 1975-2000 / Kevin N. Wright -- Community justice and a vision of collective efficacy : the case of restorative conferencing / Gordon Bazemore -- Community policing in America: changing the nature, structure, and function of the police / Jack R. Greene -- Criminal justice and the IT revolution / by Terence Dunworth -- Thirty years of sentencing reform: the quest for a racially neutral sentencing process / Cassia C. Spohn -- The convergence of race, ethnicity, gender, and class on court decision making: looking toward the 21st century / Marjorie S. Zatz -- Appendix: Criminal justice 2000 volumes and chapters --
Volume 4 : Measurement and Analysis of Crime and Justice. Introduction to volume 4 : measurement and analysis of crime and justice : an introductory essay / David Duffee, David McDowall, Lorraine Green Mazerolle, and Stephen D. Mastrofski -- The self-report method for measuring delinquency and crime / Terence P. Thornberry and Marvin D. Krohn -- Self-report surveys as measures of crime and criminal victimization / David Cantor and James P. Lynch -- Theory, method, and data in comparative criminology / Gregory J. Howard, Graeme Newman, and William Alex Pridemore -- Spatial analyses of crime / Luc Anselin, Jacqueline Cohen, David Cook, Wilpen Gorr, and George Tita -- Measuring the costs and benefits of crime and justice / Mark A. Cohen -- Measuring the sexual victimization of women : evolution, current controversies, and future research / Bonnie S. Fisher and Francis T. Cullen -- Measurement and analysis of drug problems and drug control efforts / Jonathan P. Caulkins -- Fear of crime in the United States : avenues for research and policy / Mark Warr -- Measurement and explanation in the comparative study of American police organizations / Edward R. Maguire and Craig D. Uchida -- Standards and measures of court performance / Ingo Keilitz -- Appendix: Criminal justice 2000 volumes and chapters.

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