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Summary report : evaluation training mental strength : a plan, process, and an effect evaluation of the training mental strength for police officers / Peter van der Velden, Kim Lens, Hannah Hoffenkamp, Mark Bosmans, Erik van der Meulen.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Evaluation training mental strength : a plan, process, and an effect evaluation of the training mental strength for police officers




1 online resource (10 pages)


© WODC, Extern Wetenschappelijke Betrekkingen, Ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie 2014.
Full text only available in Dutch.


The aim of the plan evaluation is to provide insight into the theoretical basis of the mental strength (MS) training. The central question of this component of the research is "To what extent can the MS training be regarded in theory as an effective intervention for the target group (police employees), in view of its general objective and specific aims?"--Page 2.


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