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Summary : follow-up study on the psychosocial health of Dutch police officers / W.B. Schaufeli, T.W. Taris.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

Vervolgonderzoek omtrent de psychosociale gesteldheid van politiepersoneel




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (7 pages)


Full text only available in Dutch.


The current follow-up study focuses on three issues that detail the original survey. Firstly, the follow-up study investigated to what extent the differences in psychosocial health between police officers and relevant referent groups – as observed in the original survey – are related to differences in demographical background, like age, gender, and level of education. Secondly, the follow-up study investigated to what extent the observed differences in psychosocial health between police officers from various task areas can be explained by differences in work characteristics and/or demographic characteristics. And thirdly, the most relevant work characteristics for taking measures to improve psychosocial health of police officers have been identified in the current study, controlling for demographics.


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