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International police operations against online child pornography / Tony Krone.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (6 pages)


Online child pornography is an unintended aspect of the widespread adoption of information and communications technologies. Child pornography involves the sexual abuse of children on a global basis. It appears that a once limited trade has seen remarkable growth, with the potential to intrude into the homes and workplaces of all those connected to the internet. Occasionally, exposure to this form of pornography may be unintended, but in most cases it is deliberately sought out, retained and traded worldwide. There have been many instances of law enforcement action, both locally and internationally, targeting those involved in the possession or distribution of online child pornography, some of which have involved thousands of suspects. This paper looks at 31 well-publicised operations and considers the law enforcement implications of these for future operations. The operations are discussed with reference to four distinct targets of investigation: individuals, covert groups, web site subscribers and those caught in police stings. The paper starts to fill a significant gap in our understanding of online child pornography.


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Trends and issues in crime and criminal justice , 0817-8542 ; no. 296, April 2005.

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