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Recognizing when a child's injury or illness is caused by abuse : portable guides to investigating child abuse / [contributing authors Robert Hugh Farley, Beoncia Loveless, Vincent J. Palusci and Andrea Taroli].

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (iv, 20 pages)


"NCJ 243908".
"July 2014".


Provides information about the many indicators of child maltreatment and abuse to help first responders and investigators differentiate between physical abuse and accidental injury. Advancements in medicine have helped further distinguish between accidental and abusive injuries. This fourth edition of the guide reflects the most current literature on how to distinguish between types of injuries and includes the questions that investigating officers must ask. An injury by itself does not indicate abuse. The history of how the injury occurred is vital when determining if abuse occurred. A comprehensive assessment by a team of knowledgeable professionals is the best approach to reaching an accurate conclusion.


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