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Social network analysis of an urban street gang using police intelligence data / Daniel Gunnell, Joseph Hillier, Laura Blakeborough.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques



  • London [United Kingdom] : Home Office, 2016.
  • ©2016 


Includes bibliographical references: pages 28-29.


1 online resource (32 pages) : illustrations


"January 2016."
Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0 ;


"As part of the Home Office’s Ending Gang and Youth Violence programme a commitment was made to help police forces better understand their local gang issues (HM Government, 20131). This research aims to meet this commitment by testing the use of social network analysis using police intelligence data, as a tool to more systematically understand gangs and to help direct law enforcement activities. As such, the report serves as one example of how social network analysis can be used, but the approach could also be applied to other types of crime and disorder to explore the networks of people involved (such as those connected to acquisitive crime or sexual abuse). The research was undertaken in partnership with Great Manchester Police and addresses two research questions: 1. What can social network analysis tell us about gangs? 2. How useful are the social network analysis outputs for the police?"--Summary.


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Home Office research report, 1756-3666 ; 89.

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