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Setting a voice interoperability roadmap : summary report from the Canadian Interoperability Technology Interest Group national workshop, Ottawa, Ontario, 27-28 March 2008 / prepared by Lansdowne Technologies Inc. for: Communications Interoperability Technology Interest Group, Canadian Police Research Centre.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques

Titre alternatif

CITIG : the Canadian Voice Interoperability Workshop




1 online resource (various pagings) : illustrations


"31 March 2008, final report".
"The Canadian Interoperability Technology Interest Group (CITIG) workshop on voice interoperability [...] was held in Ottawa, Ontario, on 27-28 March, 2008, with the support and participation of the Canadian Police Research Centre (CPRC), Canadian Association of the Chiefs of Police (CACP), Emergency Medical Services Chiefs of Canada (EMSCC) and the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs (CAFC)."--Page 1.


Accès en ligne


Communications interoperability technical report ; TR-20-2008.

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