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Controlled spectral experiments and biological control of Cannabis sp. / prepared by Titan Analysis Ltd. for the Canadian Police Research Centre.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (25 pages) : illustrations


"March 2008"


"The following report is a concise description of topics relating to the characteristics of Cannabis sp. (marijuana/marihuana) that Titan Analysis considers important in order to support the eradication efforts of law enforcement with the most efficient allocation of resources for British Columbia. A range of topics from the basic botanical description of the different Cannabis species and their use in propagation, a discussion of ecological characteristics to a summary of efforts to date using remote sensing technology to detect outdoor grow operations are presented. Assemblage of this compilation is the first step in the development of a series of tools aimed at both better detection of and subsequent control of illegal Cannabis grow operations. The intended long-term outcome of the integration of the information assembled here is similar to the effect adaptive management, in which changes from one scenario triggers a response from its counterpart furthering and improving development. The following topics are covered in this document: Botany, distribution and ecology; Chemical constituents; Genetics; Spectral characteristics; Seizures and trafficking."--Executive summary.


Accès en ligne


1. Introduction. -- 2. Cannabis botany, distribution and ecology. -- 3. Chemical constituents. -- 4. Genetics. -- 5. Spectral characteristics -- 6. Seizures and trafficking. -- 7. Conclusions and future work.


Technical report (Canadian Police Research Centre) ; TR-09-2008.

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