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Mon panier

Making sense of partnerships : a study of police and housing department collaboration for tackling drug and related problems on public housing estates / Keith Jacobs, Terry Burke, Meredith Green, Sherry Saggers, Ron Mason, Angela Barclay.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references (pages ).


1 online resource (viii, 58 pages)


Funded by the National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund, an initiative of the National Drug Strategy.


The aim of this project is to explore the realities of partnership working by focusing on collaboration between the police and housing departments to tackle problems associated with illicit drug activity and anti-social behavior (ASB) on three Australian public housing estates. The rationale for the project is that, though only a small minority of tenants are perpetrators, their actions can seriously blight the lives of their neighbours. Usually it is the housing department that responds to complaints relating to ASB but, in the more serious cases that are deemed criminal, the police also perform a role. Three locations were chosen as case studies: East Devonport in Tasmania, Girrawheen in Western Australia, and Collingwood in Victoria.--See executive summary.


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Monograph series, 1449-7476 ; no. 26.

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