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The impact of codes of ethics on behaviour : a rapid evidence assessment / David Brown.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (9 pages)


"Overall, evidence on the impact of codes of ethics on behaviour from a rapid review wasfound to be consistent and broadly positive. Laboratory and field experiments reviewedshowed codes can encourage people to behave with integrity. While there are no studies froma policing context, issues were identified that can potentially impact on the success of a code:the importance of people actively stating they will abide by a code; the importance of fairnessand role-modelling by senior figures; and providing regular follow-up especially for anyonewho has been found to have committed a minor breach of the code. There is scope for furthertesting given many of the studies were conducted in simulated environments, with non-policepersonnel, using a variety of different types of ethical guideline." -- Page 2


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