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Leadership review : recommendations for delivering leadership at all levels.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




3 online resources (40, 32, 28 pages)


The document makes ten recommendations that, taken together, will equip leaders of the future with the skills and knowledge to succeed. It is relevant at all levels in policing, for both officers and staff.


Accès en ligne


Introduction. -- 1.1. Why do we need a review? -- 1.2. What is the role of leadership? -- 1.3. Why is this review the College of Policing’s responsibility? -- 2. Methodology. -- 2.1. Phases. -- 2.2. Establishing the evidence base. -- 2.3. Stakeholder engagement. -- 2.4. Views from beyond policing. -- 3. The future context for police leadership. -- 4. Implications for policing. -- 5. Supporting police leaders. -- 5.1. Key areas. -- 5.2. Improving culture - Recommendation 1. -- 5.3. Addressing unintended consequences of hierarchy - Recommendation 2. -- 5.4. Increasing diversity and valuing difference - Recommendation 3 - Recommendation 4 - Recommendation 5. -- 5.5. Giving attention to both management and leadership development - Recommendation 6. -- 5.6. Recognising lateral development - Recommendation 7 - Recommendation 8. -- 5.7. Achieving greater consistency of practice across forces - Recommendation 9 - Recommendation 10. -- 6. Context for these recommendations.

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