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Contacts between Police and the Public, 2008 : special report / Christine Eith and Matthew R. Durose.

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Recherches policières canadienne


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Special report : contacts between police and the public, 2008



1 online resource (28 pages)


"The percent of U.S. residents age 16 or older who had face-to- face contact with police declined from 2002 (21.0%) to 2005 (19.1%) and declined again in 2008 (16.9%). „ An estimated 9 out of 10 residents who had contact with police in 2008 felt the police acted properly. „ The most common reason for contact with police in 2008 was being a driver in a traffic stop (44.1%). „ White (8.4%), black (8.8%), and Hispanic (9.1%) drivers were stopped by police at similar rates in 2008. „ Male drivers (9.9%) were stopped at higher rates than female drivers (7.0%). „ In 2008 about 5% of traffic stops led to a search. Police were more likely to search male drivers than female drivers. „ Black drivers were about three times as likely as white drivers and about two times as likely as Hispanic drivers to be searched during a traffic stop. „ During traffic stops in 2008, about 57.7% of searches of the driver only and 60.0% of searches of the vehicle only were conducted with the driver’s consent. „ About 36.1% of drivers who were only physically searched and 20.7% of drivers who only had their vehicle searched believed police had a legitimate reason to do so. „ Among persons who had contact with police in 2008, an estimated 1.4% had force used or threatened against them during their most recent contact, which was not statistically different from the percentages in 2002 (1.5%) and 2005 (1.6%). „ A majority of the people who had force used or threatened against them said they felt it was excessive."--Page 1.


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Special report (Bureau of Justice Statistics)

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