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The Greater Manchester Police procedural justice training experiment : the impact of communication skills training on officers and victims of crime / Levin Wheller, Paul Quinton, Alistair Fildes, Andy Mills.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (20 pages)


"The College of Policing has been working in collaboration with Greater Manchester Police (GMP) to test the impact of a communication skills training programme, which was designed to improve the way police officers interact with victims of crime. The training programme was implemented as a randomised controlled trial – the ‘gold standard’ in evaluation research – which allows strong statements to be made about the impact of the training because it can establish ‘cause and effect’ relationships. This practitioner report provides an overview of the trial, summarises its main findings, and discusses implications for policing policy and practice. An associated Technical Report provides more detail on the trial, its results and limitations." -- Page 4.


Accès en ligne


1. Introduction. -- 2. Summary findings. -- 3. Conclusions and implications.

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