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Job related fitness tests for police officer specialist posts : report to the Police Advisory Board of England & Wales.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (98 pages)


The National Police Improvement Agency provided funding for external consultants to assist in developing national job related fitness standards for specialist posts and, after a process of external tendering, Lilleshall Consultancy Services (LCS) were contracted to undertake a data gathering exercise across the service, analyse the results and produce appropriate recommendations to the Fitness Working Group. LCS had developed the job related fitness testing requirements for recruits and their proposal, which was accepted, was to build on this work to develop national standards for specialist roles by evaluating the endurance and strength demands experienced by police officers undertaking training for specialist roles.


Accès en ligne


Executive Summary. -- Lilleshall Consultancy Report January 2009. -- Lilleshall Consultancy Report October 2009. -- Equality Impact Assessment.

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