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Commonwealth organised crime strategic framework : overview.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques



Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (20 pages)


"The Australian organised crime policy context is whole‑of‑government in nature, influenced by the Commonwealth, state and territory jurisdictions as well as international treaties to which Australia is a signatory. The Framework provides an approach that links in to international as well as domestic developments, gives weight to both public and private sector concerns and involves the wider Australian community. For the purpose of the Framework, a focus will be given to Commonwealth responses to organised crime. Organised crime neither respects borders (state or national) or demarcations of responsibility (between governments or agencies). Organised criminals in fact often target the gaps created by borders or demarcations as they can present opportunities for higher profit and lower risk. Respecting the fact that each government needs to be able to align its resources to deal with its jurisdictional priorities in the most effective manner possible, there remains an underlying need for all jurisdictions to work collaboratively and cohesively to address the most serious threats from organised crime."--Page 6.


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