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Body-worn video & law enforcement : an overview of the common concerns associated with its use.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques



Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (14 pages)


"The use of technology by law enforcement has been steadily increasing as devices are created to suit the unique needs of the field. In-car video (ICV) devices have been continually integrated and updated since the 1980s. Evaluations of this type of recording device have shown that it has become a very useful tool within law enforcement. Unfortunately, ICV systems only record 10% of what law enforcement officers actually encounter. In more recent years, body-worn video (BWV) has found its way into the hands of officers in the hopes to increase public perception and to reduce frivolous claims against officers. Body-worn video can reduce expenditures in personnel time and resources. Many local agencies have begun to take advantages of such technology."--Page 1.


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