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Guiding principles on use of force.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques



Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (136 pages)


"In short, this report attempts to move policing to a higher standard when it comes to how and when officers use force in situations where they and the public are not threatened with firearms. By adopting the Guiding Principles and other approaches presented in this report, police agencies can make policing safer for officers and the public they serve—and, in the process, restore public trust and advance as a profession."--Pages 5-6.


Accès en ligne


Why we need to challenge conventional thinking on police use of force by Chuck Wexler. -- PERF's 30 guiding principles on use of force. -- PERF's critical decision-making model. -- Lessons learned from police Scotland. -- Coclusion: the policing profession is moving forward.


Critical issues in policing series (Police Executive Research Forum)

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