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Policing 2016 : to deliver safety, police need legitimacy and accountability / Jesse Jannetta, Samuel Bieler.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (iv, 16 pages)


Author(s) affiliated with: Urban Institute.


Much of the national debate on policing in 2015 has rested on a false premise—that community demands for greater police accountability come at the expense of effectively addressing crime. In fact, police need accountability and legitimacy in the communities they serve if they are to deliver safety. While policing is a local governmental function, federal policymakers have an important role to play in helping policing practice reflect this truth. The next president will have a wide range of funding, agenda setting, and enforcement tools that can elevate and spread the best in policing and compel reform where necessary..


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