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Everyone's business : improving the police response to domestic abuse.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (155 pages)


"The extent and nature of domestic abuse remains shocking. A core part of the policing mission is to prevent crime and disorder. Domestic abuse causes both serious harm and constitutes a considerable proportion of overall crime. It costs society an estimated £15.7 billion a year.1 Seventy seven women were killed by their partners or ex-partners in 2012/13.2 In the UK, one in four of young people, aged 10 to 24, reported that they experienced domestic violence and abuse during their childhood.3 Forces told us that crime relating to domestic abuse constitutes some eight percent of all recorded crime in their areas and one third of their recorded assaults with injury. On average the police receive an emergency call relating to domestic abuse every 30 seconds. Other agencies and partners share the responsibility to tackle domestic abuse and keep victims safe; it does not rest solely with the police. However, the police have an essential role to play."--Page 5.


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