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Cultural change : gender diversity and inclusion in the Australian federal police / Elizabeth Broderick.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




1 online resource (104 pages)


The Australian Federal Police is the Australian Government’s principal law enforcement agency and has a local, national and international mandate. Its work is of critical importance to our national security. The breadth of its work, including responding to threats of terrorism, stopping drug importation, fraud and corruption, cyber crime, human trafficking, child sex offences and child pornography, as well as addressing crime in the ACT, is considerable and far-reaching. AFP Police – Federal Agents and those in other roles, including community police, unsworn specialists and employees, and Protective Service Officers (PSO), all provide a vital service to the nation and local communities. The Project entails two Phases, the first being dedicated to the development of an evidence base to inform recommendations on initiatives to strengthen gender equality, diversity and inclusion in the AFP. Specifically, the Project Team has developed an evidence base to: • demonstrate the business case and organizational benefits of diversity and inclusion; • demonstrate how diversity and inclusion can be leveraged to create superior performance, innovation and operational outcomes; and • outline impediments to attracting and retaining a diverse and inclusive workforce. This Report represents the culmination of Phase One. During Phase Two, the Project Team will support the AFP to implement recommendations contained in this Report and other relevant organizational reform initiatives. The recommendations in this Report are designed to assist the AFP build a more diverse and inclusive organization. It is important to recognize that gender is just the starting point, not the end game. The focus is on gender in the first instance because women make up over half the Australian population. If an organization can “get it right” for the majority of the population, benefits will flow to other diverse groups. A workforce that is culturally and ethnically diverse, which includes people of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander backgrounds, people with disabilities and those of diverse gender identity and sexual orientation – a workforce that truly reflects Australian society – is one that can harness a breadth of skills and perspectives and, in doing so, increase its creativity and innovation..


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