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Stress and Maladaptive Coping Among Police Officers / by Kathleen Padilla.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (80 pages)


M.Sc. Arizona State University 2016.


The relationship between stress and policing has long been established in literature. What is less clear, however, is what departments are doing to help officers deal with the stress that comes with the job. Looking at a small Southwestern police agency and using a modified version of Speilberger’s (1981) Police Stress Survey, the present study sought to examine stressors inherent to policing, as well as to identify departmental services that may be in place to help officers alleviate those stressors and whether or not police officers would choose to take part in the services that may be offered. The findings suggest that a shift in stress in policing is occurring with operational stressors being reported at higher levels than organizational stressors, contrary to previous research.


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