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The legal, community policing, and resource challenges of dealing with advance fraud / by Kim Miller.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (viii, 164pages)


Ph.D. Capella University 2016.


"Advance fee fraud is a growing crime creating serious economic and emotional impact onits victims. There is a lack of research regarding the legal, community policing, andresource challenges of dealing with advance fee fraud which would aid in reducing thiscrime. The purpose of this qualitative study is to determine through interviewing fraudinvestigators who have dealt with advance fee fraud, based on their experiences theanswer to these challenges and gain insight based on the theoretical foundation of thestudy. The guiding research question for the study is what are the legal, communitypolicing, and resource challenges of dealing with advance fee fraud? Telephoneinterviews were performed using a sample of 17 participants from associations where theindividuals have experience and education in dealing with advance fee fraud. Uponanalyzing the data, multiple themes emerged regarding the legal, community policing,and resource challenges of dealing with advance fee fraud. The main themes thatemerged were (a) jurisdiction, (b) resources, (c) awareness, (d) lack of cooperation, (e)law enforcement, and (f) businesses, individuals and communities are needed for fusioncenters to be effective. The subthemes are (a) difficult to prosecute, (b) extradition, (c)complexity, (d) police, and (e) time. The recommendations for further research wouldinclude a quantitative study based on the legal, community policing, and resourcechallenges of dealing with advance fee fraud."--Page ii.


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