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Police Effectiveness in a Changing World : cutting crime in the 21st century : informed proactivity in the midst of social and organizational change (paper 1) / Andy Higgins and Gavin Hales.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (20 pages)


“The issue of police effectiveness has never been in sharper focus. Austere times call for greater scrutiny of value for money, the discourse of ‘the evidencebase’and doing ‘what works’ is increasingly gaining traction, and the logic of reducing long-term harm and demand through ‘up-stream’ intervention has become more difficult to ignore. It is no coincidence that in the current decade the College of Policing has come into being with a remit including police improvement through better use of research evidence, and that formal scrutiny (specifically) of the effectiveness of police forces has been introduced as part of HMIC’s PEEL inspection regime.”—Page 1.


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Police Effectiveness in a Changing World Project (The Police Foundation)

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