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Trauma and training : classroom strategies for teaching police officers with symptoms of cumulative career exposure to trauma / by Darlene Smith.

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Recherches policières canadienne


Livres électroniques




Includes bibliographical references.


1 online resource (24 pages)


M.A. Athabasca University 2014.


"Exposure to trauma in policing is inevitable. Over the course of a multi-decade career, an officer will experience chronic exposure to primary and secondary trauma which may result in physical and psychological symptoms similar to post-traumatic stress disorder. Symptoms of continuous exposure to trauma can impact the learning experience of a police officer in a training environment. Training is a critical aspect of law enforcement, therefore every officer will return to a classroom learning environment regularly throughout their career. It is necessary for teachers of police officers to have an understanding of the experience of trauma, the symptoms of cumulative exposure, and how this stress may be exhibited in the classroom. Teachers can employ strategies to produce effective preparation, deliver meaningful lesson content and feedback, ensure appropriate classroom design and facilitate participation in positive communication. These strategies contribute to the creation of a positive learning experience and the academic success of learners who experience cumulative career stress in law enforcement."--Page 2.


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